What Does Pain Around Dental Bridges Indicate?

It could be time to visit your dentist if you notice pain in the gum region around a dental bridge. A dental bridge can cause discomfort for a number of reasons, which is why it is essential to schedule an appointment as soon as possible. For patients who need immediate attention in Oak Law, several dental clinics are available with flexible schedules and extended hours. Do not hesitate to get in touch with a dentist in Oak Lawn, IL, if you are experiencing discomfort; they can help with evaluation and treatment.

Why does it indicate pain around dental bridges?

There are multiple reasons for the pain you are feeling near your bridge. To determine the cause and necessary course of therapy, a thorough examination of your gums, teeth, and bridge will be necessary. Your doctor will ask about when and how often the pain has been. In order to provide a clear view of your teeth and gums, X-rays could be needed.

  • Infection or Decay

Debris or food particles may sometimes collect between your teeth and result in decay. This could cause discomfort where your bridge meets your gums. An infection or discomfort might result from plaque and germs seeping between or under your bridge if it fits poorly.

  • Sensitivity

It is usual for a recently installed bridge to cause some discomfort. Sensitivity to heat or cold can happen in patients, although this will subside within a few weeks.

  • Poor Oral Hygiene

When people ignore their oral hygiene, such as not brushing and flossing sufficiently, plaque and germs may build up around the bridge, raising the possibility of infection.

  • Damage or trauma

If the dental bridge or teeth nearby suffer physical trauma, gaps can build up, allowing germs to enter and increasing the risk of infection.

  • Poorly designed bridges

Bridges that are poorly built or fit incorrectly could leave gaps or regions where germs can grow, increasing the chance of infection.

In order to lower the possibility of dental bridge infections, these factors emphasize the need to practice excellent oral hygiene, take care of gum health, and make sure the bridge is fitted properly. Regular dental exams may help identify and avoid these problems.

When should you contact a dentist?

Patients may feel some pain after a bridge procedure, but this should go away in a few days. In the unlikely scenario that your discomfort continues for more than a few days, it is recommended that you contact your dentist. This could indicate you have an infection or that your dental bridge is not fitting correctly. Avoiding an infection is never a good idea since it could give rise to more severe problems.