Personal Injury Lawyer in Philadelphia, PA: Getting Compensation for Spinal Cord Injuries 

Spinal cord injuries are commonly sustained in a car accident. These life-changing injuries can be quite expensive. If you suffered from these injuries in a crash, you may want to pursue compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Hiring Philadelphia, PA personal injury attorneys is one of the best decisions you can make for your claim. Your attorney will make sure your rights are respected and no party can take advantage of you. 

How Spinal Cord Injuries Develop in a Car Crash

Because of the strong impact of a crash, you could suffer from a spinal cord injury. This accident can lead to a sudden blow to your spinal cord or the surrounding tissue. Such trauma can break your vertebrae or crush the tissues. Eventually, such injuries can result in spinal cord pressure or damage that can impact motor function and damage your nervous system. The effect of a spinal cord injury varies depending on the seriousness of the trauma, where the injury is located, and your overall health.

Seeking Immediate Medical Attention

After a car accident, you must see a doctor as soon as possible even if you do not experience immediate symptoms or injuries. A doctor can diagnose unseen damage. Also, a lot of injuries, including those that affect your spinal cord, may present symptoms days or even weeks following a crash.

Spinal cord injuries have varying effects and symptoms, depending on where the damage is located. Possible side effects include loss of bladder and bowel control, difficulty breathing, loss of feeling, muscle spasms, and paralysis. 

Hiring an Attorney to Help you Pursue Compensation

Although no money may be enough to repay you for the impacts of your spinal cord injury, a favorable settlement can give you some relief. By having a lawyer on your side, you can be sure all factors that surround your crash are considered. Also, your attorney will determine the damages you deserve compensation for. With their help, you may be able to recover compensation for future medical bills associated with your accident injury, punitive damages, pain and suffering, property damage, and lost wages. Insurance providers always make lowball settlement offers. This is the reason you need a lawyer to negotiate a fair settlement with an insurer on your behalf. Your attorney knows how much you deserve for your injury and suffering and will never settle for less than what you are entitled to. 

Posted in Law